Facts about the Three Toed Sloth talk about a animal, which lives on the tree. They inhabit Central and South America. They are included in the family Bradypodidae and genus Bradypus. Three-toed sloth has four species. They are the pygmy three-toed sloth, pale-throated sloth, manned sloth and brown-throated sloth. The former one can be found in Isla Escudos de Veraguas. Pale-throated three-toed sloth lives in Brazil, Colombia, western Venezuela, French Guiana, Suriname and Guyana. Let us find out other impressive facts about three-toed sloth below:

  1. 3 Toed Sloth Fun Facts
  2. 3 Toed Sloth Facts

In fact sloth is the slowest mammal on Earth. They are found in the rainforest canopies of Central and South America. Their average lifespan is 10 to 15 years in the wild, but they can live up to 31 years in captivity. Sloths’ bodies usually are between 58 to 68 centimeters (23 to 27 inches).

Facts about the Three Toed Sloth 1: the distribution of brown-throated three-toed sloth

Brown-throated three-toed sloth can be found living in Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, and eastern Peru.

Facts about the Three Toed Sloth 2: evolution

3) Sloths have been moved around by humans. Finally (and perhaps most importantly), we discovered that sloths in the West, East and South East groups were all surprisingly similar. This close relatedness between sloths living on opposite sides of Costa Rica is an unexpected and potentially concerning result. Two-toed sloths may have anywhere from five to seven, and three-toed sloths have eight or nine, depending on the species. Normally, any alteration in the genes that deal with vertebrae would be debilitating for any animal. It seems, however, that the slow pace of sloth lifestyle has given them flexibility when it comes to changing their spines.

The scientists have studied the possibility of the three toed sloth having evolution. B. variegatus lineages were diversified around 4 to 5 million years ago.

the Three Toed Sloth

Facts about the Three Toed Sloth 3: the slow moving sloth

The speed of the slow moving sloth is 0.15 miles per hour or 0.24 kilometer per hour.

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Facts about the Three Toed Sloth 4: the body size

The body size of a three-toed sloth is not big. It reminds you with the body size of a large cat or a small dog. It has the length of 18 inches or 45 cm measured from the head to the body.

Facts about the Three Toed Sloth 5: the weight

The weight of a three-toed sloth is measured at 8 to 10 lb or 3.5 to 4.5 kilogram. Each limb features three clawed toes. That is why, they are called three-toed sloth. However, the number of fingers on each species can be different.

Facts about the Three Toed Sloth 6: Judy Avey-Arroyo

Have you ever heard about Judy Avey-Arroyo? Judy was the first person who applied the idea of three-toed sloth on the animals. He was also known as the cofounder of Sloth Sanctuary of Costa Rica.

Facts about the Three Toed Sloth 7: the swimming ability

You will be impressed with the swimming ability of three-toed sloth. They are known as agile swimmers. The surprising fact is that the toed sloth is slower on the tree than on the water. They are known as arboreal animals due to their tree dwelling life.

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Facts about the Three Toed Sloth 8: the life the offspring

The offsprings are dependent to their mother. They will live in the bellies of their mother for nine months.

the Three Toed Sloth Facts

Facts about the Three Toed Sloth 9: the habitat

You can find the three toed sloth lives in the rainforest. They like living on the high canopy with many trees to dwell. In one day, they will move into four different trees.

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Facts about the Three Toed Sloth 10: the life span

Most three toed sloths can live around 25 to 30 years. They are mature at the age of 3 to 5.

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1. Sloths are mammals from Central and South America.

2. The scientific name is: Bradypus.

Author: FactsAC

3. Sloths are great swimmers.

4. Sloths spend most of their time on trees.

5. Sloths defecate once a week.

6. Sloths sleep 10 hours a day (in captivity even 18 hours).

7. Sloths always urinate in the same place and are exposed to predators.

Author: Paulina

8. Sloths are herbivorous.

9. Even dead sloths can hang on the tree.

10. Slothful sloth can turn his head 270 degrees.

11. Sloths are nocturnal animals.

12. The pregnancy of a sloth usually lasts from 7 to 10 months, only one individual is born.

Author: Paulina3 Sloth Facts

13. The sexual intercourse of a sloth takes about 5 seconds.

14. Sloths “speed” at a speed of about 2.5 meters per hour.

15. They can hold air under water for over 40 minutes.

16. Sloths leave the tree once a week to make a pile.

17. They are able to rotate their head 180 degrees thanks to 9 cervical vertebrae.

Author: Heron

18. On sloths due to lack of hygiene, algae and lichen grow in the rainy season, which gives them a green shade. As a result, they are less visible.

19. Of all mammals in the world, sloths have the slowest metabolism.

20. Digestion of eaten leaves takes even several months.

Author: Madam

21. Sloth claws are up to 10 cm long.

22. Over 80% of the life a sloth spends hanging on a branch.

Author: Marta

23. Sloths are genetically adapted to life “upside down”. Even their fur grows up, not down like other animals.

24. Descent from the tree in order to defecate and return takes over 6 hours.

25. Leniwiec buries his “kupka” under a tree, which is a great fertilizer for vegetation.

Author: Tadek

26. The sloth in the search for a partner often goes to another tree, which may last several days. After a few seconds the relationship goes away.

27. Leniwiec becomes independent after about a year. It moves to the tree next to it and no longer maintains contact with the mother.

Author: Atoham

28. Sloths, like cows, have a four-chamber stomach.

29. Three-fingered sloths are not closely related to the two-fingered. The research shows that they had a common ancestor over 30 million years ago.

30. About 10,000 years ago in North America lived gigantic dwupalczaste sloths that were larger than the modern elephant. Their claws were over a meter long.

Author: Benek

31. The greatest enemies are predatory cats and serpents.

32. In order for the sloth to keep the right body temperature, he must bask in the sun. On cloudy days, the temperature of their body drops through it become even more slow.

Author: Marta



What do sloths feed on?

Sloths feed mainly on leaves.

3 Toed Sloth Fun Facts

Answer: Paulina

How long do sloths live?

Sloths live up to 30 years.

Answer: Paulina

How much does a sloth weigh?

Sloth lazyweight weighs 2.2 to 6.3 kg. The heaviest maned sloth from 4.5 to 10 kg.

Answer: Heron3 toed sloth facts for kids

What is the pregnancy of a slothman?

The pregnancy of a sloth lasts 183 days.

Answer: Alicja

When does the little sloth open his eyes?

Sloths are born with open eyes.

Answer: Madam

Where are sloths found?

Sloths can be found in South and Central America.

3 Toed Sloth Facts

Answer: Madam

Young sloths can be born earlier than 6 months?


I have knowledge about African animals. I will say brutally – I have them outside in the African bush. That’s why I am generally interested in animals. In the lazy aspect, however, I wonder about the evolutionary issue. They survived despite their “lazy” disposition. How are the proportions related to their natural enemies in nature?

Interesting question, I was also thinking about it. I recommend reading the article: http: //www.curiousmeerkat .co.uk / short / Sloths-show-rapid-evolution /

Answer: poznajnieznane