© John Tlumacki/Globe Staff Dianna Ploss at an April rally.

Nashua radio host Dianna Ploss is off the air at WSMN radio after she recently posted video footage of herself telling a landscaping crew several times to speak English and mocking a Black man who defended the workers.

Dianna Ploss is a former New Hampshire radio host who filmed herself harassing a group of Nashua landscapers because they were speaking Spanish. The Dianna Ploss Show Welcome to the Dianna Ploss Show - where the truth sometimes hurts. In this episode, I spoke with Ken Klein about his new documentary on the Deep State. Jul 13, 2020 Diana Ploss, who had her own show on WSMN Nashua, was seen in a shocking video yelling at the workers and asking if anyone was 'illegal.' 6 Radio show host Diana Ploss was seen in viral video. Jul 13, 2020 Diana Ploss, the New Hampshire radio host who filmed herself harassing a group of Nashua landscaping workers because she heard them speaking Spanish to one another, has been fired from her job at.

Ploss Video

The station said in a statement that Ploss is “no longer associated or affiliated in any way with WSMN or Bartis-Russell Broadcasting, LLC. We at WSMN value freedom of speech, freedom of expression and assembly. We will not tolerate discrimination, racism or hatred. We continue to present and offer on air opportunities for discussion, education and the exchange of opinions and ideas.”

In a follow-up message, George Russell, owner and operator of WSMN, said Ploss was never an employee.

“She is a client as we only broker our air time,” Russell said via e-mail. “I have plenty lined up to fill that air space.”

Ploss Video


In the video, which has been shared widely online, Ploss approaches the crew as they’re working on a main thoroughfare in Nashua. She asks a man if one of the workers is speaking English, and the man replies that many of them speak English but he likes to speak Spanish.

“It is America, you should be speaking English,” Ploss says. “You should be speaking English. They work for the state, you should be speaking English.”

The man replies that he works for a company, before Ploss launches into a repetitive tirade.

“It’s English. Doesn’t matter,” Ploss says. “It’s still English. It’s English, English, English. Is anybody here illegal? Are these guys illegal? What’s the name of this company? ... This is a foreman working for this company, Morin’s, and he’s speaking Spanish to these guys. So your tax dollars up here in New Hampshire, that’s what’s going on here. That’s what’s going on here. That is what’s going on. ... This is communism, this is communism. Look at this. They’re taking over these streets. What they’re doing up here in Nahsua is permanent. Permanent.”

Eventually a Black man wearing a mask and eating lunch nearby approaches Ploss and asks her why she’s “harassing” the workers.

Ploss repeats that the workers should speak English, asks whether they’re “illegal aliens” and says, “I have a right.”

“To harass people?” the Black man replies.

When Ploss asks why he’s wearing a mask, the man says “there’s a global pandemic.”

Ploss says “Really? OK,” and adds sarcastically, “He’s a Black man, and he’s going to protect the brown man from this white woman who’s practicing white privilege.”

On Monday, Tom Morin of Morin’s Landscaping, the company that was doing the road work, thanked community members who reached out to offer words of support once the video surfaced.

“The numerous phone calls, social posts, emails, voice messages and overall kind words are extremely encouraging and heartfelt,” Morin wrote in a Facebook posting. “I believe that we can all take immense pride in how quickly the community rallied to demonstrate that this type of behavior is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated. As a result of everyone’s efforts, I am confident that significant progress was made towards solving what can so often appear to be an unsolvable problem.”

Morin went on to thank “our valued team members as well as the concerned citizen who handled this challenging situation with the utmost of class and professionalism. At Morin’s, we recognize that any success we are able to achieve is only through the collaborative efforts of the many extremely talented and hardworking individuals who are not only native to our area but also represent several countries and various cultures.”

Ploss addressed the controversy as well Monday in a defiant video message posted to Facebook, with an image of President Trump and an MA 4 Trump 2020 campaign sign visible behind her.

She derided what she described as the efforts of “commies, and these fake Republicans, and these leftists who want to shut us down, who want to destroy our country. You have seen what they have done to me. And you know what, fellas? I take it and I wear it as a badge of honor.”

She said critics “got a petition going” that resulted in her being kicked off the air at WSMN and that she’s also been threatened via text, voicemail, and e-mail.

Diana Ploss Video

“So, you ready for my public statement?” Ploss said. “You guys ready? Come on, I hope everybody’s recording this. I hope everybody’s recording this. ... Here’s what I have to say to those who have attacked me: blank you. Blank you. Now get out of my way, because I have a country to save. That’s the end of Dianna Ploss’s public statement.”

Ploss describes herself on her Facebook page as an “America First Activist, Talk Radio Personality.”

She doubled down on her combative posture with a written statement posted Tuesday to Facebook.

Dianna Ploss Video Of People Speaking Spanish

“All the MA & NH Fake Republicans are telling people to distance themselves from me,” Ploss wrote, adding four laughing-to-tears emojis. “Cowards!”