TSS annotation for Danio rerio (Zv9) obtained from biomaRt
  1. R Slotnames
  2. Setnames In R

Derived from Middle High German retich, Middle Low German redik meaning 'radish', an occupational name for a grower or seller of radishes. REUTER (1) German. Also, slots in R are implemented as attributes, for the sake of some back compatibility. The current implementation does not prevent attributes being assigned, via attrslot names.

R Slotnames

Depends R (= 3.2.5), lme4 (= 1.1-10), stats, methods Imports numDeriv, MASS, ggplot2 Suggests pbkrtest (= 0.4-3), tools Description Provides p-values in type I, II or III anova and summary tables for lmer model fits (cf. Lme4) via Satterthwaite's degrees of freedom method. A Kenward-Roger method is also available via the pbkrtest package. Estimate DCC Model dcc fit =dcc.fit = dccfit(dcc garch11 spec data =(dcc.garch11.spec, data = MSFT GSPC retMSFT.GSPC.ret) Iter: 1 fn: 2261.1651 Pars: 0.02425 0.96193.


TSS annotation for Danio rerio (Zv9) obtained from biomaRt


Annotation data obtained by:

R slotnamesR Slotnames

mart <- useMart(biomart='ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL', host='mar2015.archive.ensembl.org', path='/biomart/martservice', dataset='drerio_gene_ensembl') getAnnotation(mart, featureType = 'TSS')


GRanges with slot start holding the start position of the gene, slot end holding the end position of the gene, slot names holding ensembl gene id, slot seqnames holding the chromosome location where the gene is located and slot strand holding the strinad information. In addition, the following variables are included.

description of the gene

R Slotnames

  • TSS.zebrafish.Zv9

Setnames In R

R Slotnames Documentation reproduced from package ChIPpeakAnno, version 3.6.5, License: GPL (>= 2)

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