Feb 10th, 2019
Slot 50 Rewards Bubble SimSlot 50 Rewards Bubble Sim

Prizes were added in Update 15 and allow players to obtain rewards for blowing bubbles and for opening eggsand/or boxes. The prizes consist of many pets that range from Rare Pets to shiny Legendaries as well as extra slots, permanent luck, permanent hatch speed, and extra pets equipped. These rewards continue to get rarer each time you unlock a new prize. 1 Prizes List 1.1 List of Egg Prizes 1. There are two types of people in this world, those that know how to blow a bubble and those that don’t. Unfortunately, those that don’t know how to blow a bubble will not enjoy and respect the game Big Prize Bubblegum. As you play the slot game you collect bubble gum trinkets. There is six tinkets to collect. House of Fun Free Coins and Spins. Slot machines are one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world yet playing them has traditionally posed a few obstacles. First, travelling to a casino typically takes some major planning and travel arrangem.

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  1. repeat
  2. until game.Players.LocalPlayer
  3. if game:GetService('RunService'):IsStudio() false then
  4. DUPE MADE BY erick2414
  5. end
  6. local DebugService = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.Modules.DebugService)
  7. do
  8. local Event, Function = game.ReplicatedStorage.Network:InvokeServer()
  9. if Binds[Job] then
  10. return DebugService:Warn(('(Client) Function %q has already been bound'):format(Job))
  11. Binds[Job] = f
  12. function Network:Call(Job, ...)
  13. return DebugService:Warn(('(Client) Function %q has not been bound yet'):format(Job))
  14. return Binds[Job](...)
  15. function Network:FireServer(Job, ...)
  16. end
  17. return Function:InvokeServer(Job, ...)
  18. function Function.OnClientInvoke(Job, ...)
  19. end
  20. Network:Call(Job, ...)
  21. warn('(Client) Network initialized')
  22. local Services = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.Modules.Services)('Client')
  23. local BoostService = Services:GetService('BoostService')
  24. local CapacityService = Services:GetService('CapacityService')
  25. local InputService = Services:GetService('InputService')
  26. local BubbleService = Services:GetService('BubbleService')
  27. local ActivationService = Services:GetService('ActivationService')
  28. local GuiService = Services:GetService('GuiService')
  29. local MusicService = Services:GetService('MusicService')
  30. local AmbientService = Services:GetService('AmbientService')
  31. local AchievementService = Services:GetService('AchievementService')
  32. local HotkeyService = Services:GetService('HotkeyService')
  33. local EggService = Services:GetService('EggService')
  34. local SoundService = Services:GetService('SoundService')
  35. local RarityColorService = Services:GetService('RarityColorService')
  36. local PetBuffsService = Services:GetService('PetBuffsService')
  37. local PetRendering = Services:GetService('PetRendering')
  38. local ItemDataService = Services:GetService('ItemDataService')
  39. local ChestLayerService = Services:GetService('ChestLayerService')
  40. local ItemCollectionService = Services:GetService('ItemCollectionService')
  41. local ms = Services:GetService('MarketplaceService')
  42. local SettingsService = Services:GetService('SettingsService')
  43. local DialogService = Services:GetService('DialogService')
  44. local UIMaskService = Services:GetService('UIMaskService')
  45. local WorldService = Services:GetService('WorldService')
  46. local lowQuality = false
  47. lowQuality = require(script.Modules.LoadingScreen):Load()
  48. PetRendering.PetClass.LowQuality = lowQuality
  49. local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  50. local table = Library('table')
  51. local data = Network:InvokeServer('GetPlayerData')
  52. local ownedPasses = Network:InvokeServer('GetPlayerPasses')
  53. local DataChangedEvents = {
  54. GuiService:CoinsChanged(data[index.COINS])
  55. [index.EQUIPPED_ITEMS] = function()
  56. GuiService:SetEquippedOnFrames(data[index.EQUIPPED_ITEMS])
  57. GuiService:UpdateBubble(data[index.BUBBLE_SIZE])
  58. [index.BUBBLE_SIZE] = function()
  59. GuiService:UpdateBubble(data[index.BUBBLE_SIZE])
  60. [index.GEMS] = function()
  61. end,
  62. GuiService:CandyCanesChanged(data[index.CANDY_CANES])
  63. [index.PETS] = function()
  64. if GuiService:GetCurrentFrame() 'PetsFrame' then
  65. end
  66. [index.HATS] = function()
  67. if GuiService:GetCurrentFrame() 'PetsFrame' then
  68. end
  69. [index.CHECKPOINTS] = function()
  70. for a, b in pairs(game.Workspace.Checkpoints:GetChildren()) do
  71. b.Door.Color = Color3.new(0, 1, 0)
  72. else
  73. b.Door.SurfaceGui.Enabled = true
  74. end
  75. [index.CHEST_REGEN_TIMES] = function()
  76. end,
  77. ItemCollectionService:UpdateUI()
  78. [index.REWARDS] = function()
  79. end,
  80. GuiService:CandyChanged(data[index.CANDY])
  81. [index.CLAIMED_DOMINUS] = function()
  82. GuiService:GetStorage().BetaThanks.Okay.Visible = not data[index.CLAIMED_DOMINUS]
  83. [index.BLOCKS] = function()
  84. end
  85. local function OwnedPassesChanged()
  86. local Door = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild('VIPDoor')
  87. Door:Destroy()
  88. end
  89. GuiService:UpdatePets()
  90. GuiService:UpdateSellButton()
  91. end
  92. local f, k = num, nil
  93. f, k = string.gsub(f, '^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)', '%1,%2')
  94. break
  95. end
  96. end
  97. Network:Bind('DataChanged', function(newData, index)
  98. data = newData
  99. local func = DataChangedEvents[a]
  100. func()
  101. end
  102. local func = DataChangedEvents[index]
  103. if func then
  104. end
  105. end)
  106. Network:Bind('PetDataChanged', function(changedPetData)
  107. for _, newPetEntry in next, changedPetData, nil do
  108. if newPetEntry[1] oldPetEntry[1] then
  109. break
  110. end
  111. DataChangedEvents[index.PETS]()
  112. Network:Bind('GetOwnedPasses', function()
  113. end)
  114. Network:Bind('PassesChanged', function(newPasses)
  115. OwnedPassesChanged()
  116. end)
  117. if not index then
  118. else
  119. end
  120. Network:Bind('GetQuality', function()
  121. end)
  122. Network:Bind('DisplayCandyToGemExchange', function(...)
  123. end)
  124. InputService:Initialize(Network)
  125. AchievementService:InitializeClient(Network)
  126. PetRendering:Initialize(Network)
  127. MusicService:Initialize()
  128. UIMaskService:Initialize()
  129. CapacityService:InitializeClient(Network)
  130. EggService:InitializeClient(Network)
  131. ItemCollectionService:InitializeClient(Network)
  132. for a, b in pairs(data) do
  133. if f then
  134. end
  135. UIMaskService:Mask('Overworld')
  136. local GetMaxSlots = Library('GetMaxSlots')
  137. local cost = EggService:GetCost(b.Name)
  138. HotkeyService:SetHotkeyToObject({
  139. Enum = Enum.KeyCode.E,
  140. Distance = 9,
  141. Function = function(ignore)
  142. local amount = data[index.CurrencyIndex(cost[1])]
  143. if ignore ~= true then
  144. end
  145. end
  146. if script.Parent:FindFirstChild('PetHatch') then
  147. end
  148. script.Parent.BuyEggFrame.EggName.Value = b.Name
  149. elseif ignore ~= true then
  150. local slots = GetMaxSlots.Pets(passes)
  151. local has = #Network:Call('GetClientData', index.PETS)
  152. GuiService:SetOverlay(true)
  153. GuiService:GetStorage().MaxEquipped.Visible = false
  154. else
  155. end
  156. end,
  157. if cost[1] ~= 'Robux' then
  158. local amount = data[index.CurrencyIndex(cost[1])]
  159. if ignore ~= true then
  160. end
  161. end
  162. if script.Parent:FindFirstChild('PetHatch') then
  163. end
  164. script.Parent.BuyEggFrame.EggName.Value = b.Name
  165. elseif ignore ~= true then
  166. local slots = GetMaxSlots.Pets(passes)
  167. local has = #Network:Call('GetClientData', index.PETS)
  168. GuiService:SetOverlay(true)
  169. GuiService:GetStorage().MaxEquipped.Visible = false
  170. else
  171. end
  172. end,
  173. if Network:Call('GetOwnedPasses')['Auto Egg'] true then
  174. else
  175. end
  176. })
  177. end
  178. for a, b in pairs(game.Workspace.Eggs:GetChildren()) do
  179. end
  180. game.Workspace.Eggs.ChildAdded:connect(function(obj)
  181. SetEgg(obj)
  182. if lowQuality true then
  183. game.Workspace.Pets,
  184. game.Workspace.Snow
  185. for i = 1, #parents do
  186. wait(0.25)
  187. if b:IsA('ParticleEmitter') then
  188. end
  189. obj.DescendantAdded:connect(function(des)
  190. if des:IsA(wait(0.1) and 'ParticleEmitter') then
  191. end
  192. end)
  193. for a, b in pairs(parents[i]:GetDescendants()) do
  194. b:Destroy()
  195. end
  196. end
  197. local delays = {}
  198. for a, b in pairs(game.Workspace.Checkpoints:GetChildren()) do
  199. local plr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(t.Parent.Name)
  200. return
  201. local plrName = plr.Name
  202. return
  203. delays[plrName] = true
  204. if table.find(checkpoints, b.Name) then
  205. Network:FireServer('TeleportToCheckpoint', b.Name)
  206. GuiService:CutsceneFade(false)
  207. delay(1, function()
  208. end)
  209. end
  210. do
  211. local debug_count = 0
  212. for a, b in pairs(game.Workspace.FloatingIslands:GetChildren()) do
  213. do
  214. if door then
  215. local plr = game.Players:FindFirstChild(t.Parent.Name)
  216. return
  217. local plrName = plr.Name
  218. return
  219. delays[plrName] = true
  220. Network:FireServer('TeleportToDoor', d.Name)
  221. GuiService:CutsceneFade(false)
  222. delays[plrName] = nil
  223. end)
  224. end
  225. end
  226. end
  227. local function ChatBubble(plr, msg, color)
  228. return
  229. if plr.Head:FindFirstChild('ChatBubble') then
  230. local bubbleType = '
  231. msg = string.sub(msg, 1, 65) .. '...'
  232. if string.len(msg) > 50 then
  233. elseif string.len(msg) > 30 then
  234. else
  235. end
  236. local bubble = script.ChatBubbles[bubbleType]:Clone()
  237. bubble.Backing.Old.ImageColor3 = color
  238. end)
  239. for a, b in pairs(plr.Head.ChatBubble:GetChildren()) do
  240. local bubbleNum = tonumber(string.sub(b.Name, 7))
  241. local trans = 0.2 * bubbleNum
  242. b.Position = b.Position - UDim2.new(0, 0, bubble.Size.Y.Scale, 0)
  243. b.Backing.Recent.Visible = false
  244. b.Backing.Old.ImageTransparency = trans
  245. if b.Backing:FindFirstChild('Emoji') then
  246. else
  247. end
  248. b:Destroy()
  249. end
  250. bubble.Parent = plr.Head.ChatBubble
  251. if bubble.Backing:FindFirstChild('Emoji') then
  252. else
  253. end
  254. wait(5)
  255. for i = 1, 100 do
  256. bubble.Backing.Old.ImageTransparency = bubble.Backing.Old.ImageTransparency + 0.01
  257. bubble.Backing.Recent.ImageTransparency = bubble.Backing.Recent.ImageTransparency + 0.01
  258. bubble.Backing.Emoji.ImageTransparency = bubble.Backing.Emoji.ImageTransparency + 0.01
  259. bubble.Backing.Chat.TextTransparency = bubble.Backing.Chat.TextTransparency + 0.01
  260. rs.Stepped:wait()
  261. end
  262. end
  263. end
  264. end
  265. Network:Bind('PlayerChatted', function(plr, msg, col)
  266. end)

Slot 50 Rewards Bubble Simulator