Casiano family There are 25,948 people with the Casiano surname on MyHeritage. We do have the Casiano coat of arms / family crest along with the surname history from the above countries. We can use both the Casiano coat of arms and surname history on most of our products shown below. If you think the surname Casiano has another country of origin besides the ones listed here, then E-Mail or phone us (615-696-0202) and we will do a quick search to see if we can find it.


Home > USA > Surnames > C Families > Cas Families > Casiano Family: Surname Genealogy, Family History, Family Tree, Family Crest

Worldwide Information for This Surname

  • Explore MyHeritage's records for the Casiano family(Source: MyHeritage)

  • Cemeteries

    • Casiano Surname(Source: Find A Grave)
  • DNA Project

    • Casiano Surname at FamilyTreeDNA(Source: Family Tree DNA)($)
  • Family Crest

    • Casiano family crest(Source: House of Names)
  • Family trees and family histories

    • Casiano surname in the OneGreatFamily Tree(Source: One Great Family - free trial available)($)
  • Mailing Lists and Message Boards

    • Casiano Message Board(Source: RootsWeb)
    • Casiano Family Genealogy Forum(Source:
  • Maps and Gazetteers

    • Casiano family on MyHeritage Genealogy(Source: MyHeritage)
    • Karte zum Namen Verbreitung Casiano(Source: Karte zum Namen)
  • Miscellaneous Data

    • Search for Casiano in Family History Library databases(Source: FamilySearch)
    • RootsWeb WorldConnect Search for Casiano(Source: RootsWeb)
    • Casiano Surname in Footnote Databases(Source: fold3 - 7 day free trial)
  • Newspaper Records

    • Casiano in Indiana, Illinois and Ohio Newspapers(Source: CompuGen Systems)($)
    • Newspaper Archives articles about Casiano Search is free (Source: Newspaper Archive)($)
  • Obituaries and Funeral Home Records

    • Casiano Obituaries(Source:
  • Vital Records

    • Casiano Birth Records, California(Source: California Birth Records, 1905-1995)

This page and its subpages contain 16 links.

Additional Results from Linkpendium's Family Discoverer Search Engine

Explore MyHeritage's records for Casiano

Linkpendium matches 1 - 10 (out of about 172 total matching pages):

Allegheny Co. VA Marriage and Vital Record Archives
... Casiano Search the Virginia USGenWeb Archives (Enter a surname or place). Return To The States ...
Amelia Co. VA Marriage and Vital Record Archives
... 1857 Marriage Records Beth Submit your marriage information to Teresa Casiano Search ...
Amherst Co. VA Marriage and Vital Record Archives
... marriage information to Teresa Casiano Search the Virginia USGenWeb Archives (Enter a surname or place ...
Message Boards
... 1 11 Mar 2011 apellidos CASIANO LACOURT nanadelia 0 13 Oct 2005 La Court Mecshelle Allen 0 18 Mar ...
Casiano last name origin
Albemarle Co. VA Marriage and Vital Record Archives
... Submit your marriage information to Teresa Casiano Search the Virginia USGenWeb Archives (Enter a ...
USGenWeb Archives ohio marriage applications
... Searcey-Casiano ADAMS ftp files ALLEN ftp files ASHLAND ftp files ASHTUBULA ftp files ATHENS ftp files ...
CAGGIANO Genealogy & Family History - FREECasiano last name meaning
CARRION Genealogy & Family History - FREE
... Bernardo Carrión Apr 1717 - abt 09 Mar 1745 Hipolito Casiano Carrión - bef 28 May 1789 3 Apr ...
Obits Index - Paulding County, OH
... Casiano Beiswenger, R. Shane 01/26/1975 27 Paulding, OH 07/11/2002 Chehi Westfall, Robert R. 58 Payne ...
Public Library Board Certification and Continuing Education

Casino Last Name

... patrons, and implementing the campaign. Led by Carol Brey-Casiano, ALA Past President, Information ...

This search took 5 milliseconds.

Casiano Last Name Meaning

Researching Casiano in Puerto Rico, Spain and Italy

The Casiano surname in San German, Puerto Rico begins in the year 1675 with a Don Juan Casiano, as regidor or councilman and resident of the town of San German. He was also alcalde (mayor) in the years 1685 and 1687. Most all records are lost for this time frame. The name again appears in the San German militia in the year 1700 with Alonzo Casiano. Most all records are lost for the time frame up to the mid 1700's. My family is documented from the now to the 1760's in San German and Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico. Unfortunately, there is no proven or disproven connection to Don Juan Casiano.
There is some indication through research and word of mouth passed down from generation to generation that the Casiano's came from Barcelona or Majorca, Spain and Milan, Italy.
If anyone is interested in sharing information, stories or in just discussing the Casiano surname, contact me at

Surnames: CASIANO
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by maryanne6273Profile Research Contact Subscribe Block this user
on 2008-01-14 22:49:28
Casiano Last Name

maryanne6273 has been a Family Tree Circles member since Jan 2008. is researching the following names: CASIANO.

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Casiano Last Name Origin


Last Name Casiano

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